
We had our first MenderCon in 2020 and the experience was something we will never forget! It quickly solidified in our hearts that we had to make this a recurring event. Don't believe us? Here is what previous attendees had to say!
The Stats
  • 95.9% of attendees were happy they came.
  • 100% of attendees said they were likely to come back. (!!!)
  • 91.6% of attendees would recommend this event to their peers.
What People Are Saying
  • I learned a lot and was able to personally connect with some of my heroes in the industry!
  • Great discussions!
  • I really enjoyed the open-space format. I got to meet a lot of really smart and awesome developers and gain some insights into the legacy code I'm actively working with.
  • I loved being able to wonder around and meet people in different rooms. I also liked the five minute meetups with random people. There were some good sessions and I loved the topic.
  • Great small group conversations resulting in ideas that I was able to implement with my team.
  • Your open meetings have given me a community I did not know I was missing because I mainly see myself as an innovator, but with a big love and respect for decades old software still being really valuable.
  • I found interesting discussions. I really liked the virtual format which made it possible for me to attend.
  • It was my first open space conference and, as most people (I assume), I was skeptical about the format but was surprised how well it worked.
  • Subject interesting and people awesome! Loved the followup mail we received with all the links!